The Quality Assurance Department is responsible for the quality of refined petroleum products along the value chain.
The Quality Assurance Department was established in 2018 by expanding the existing Petroleum Product Marking Scheme (PPMS) which was established in 2012 by Legislative Instrument (L.I.) 2187 to monitor the marker concentration of marked petroleum products at the retail outlets. The expansion is to effectively monitor the quality of petroleum products along the supply and distribution chain. The Quality Assurance Department is therefore made up of the Quality Control and PPMS Units.
The Quality Assurance Department has put in place measures to ensure that all petroleum products supplied in the country meet the National Standards/Specifications on quality.
Fuels that have been contaminated generally affect the environment negatively including costly damage to combustion systems. Many mechanical breakdowns such as engine failure and fuel starvation can be attributed to poor quality of petroleum products. In this regard, an effective fuel quality management system in place will ensure that the quality of petroleum products are constantly monitored by fuel quality tests and analysis to mitigate all potential effects of poor quality fuels and assure customers of improved quality of fuel and value for money.